Sedative, regulating sleep, effective in dyspepsia, colitis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), appetizer

  • HOPS
  • HOPS


Sedative, regulating sleep, effective in dyspepsia, colitis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), appetizer


Bitter acids and flavonoids (xanthohumol) of Hops have anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral effects. prenylflavonoids of hops (8-prenylnaringenin) are antioxidant, anti-cancer and phytoestrogens. Hops also due to its phytoestrogenic effect, makes soften skin. The effects of regulating sleep and analgesic of hops are attributed to its bitter acids and volatile compounds, 2-methyl-3-buten -2-ol.


Take 20-30 drops with some water, 4 times daily.

Drug Interaction

The concurrent use of Hops and suppressive agents of nervous system (barbiturates, antipsychotics and alcohol) may decrease the central nervous system function (sleepiness and psychomotor disorders).

In some individuals, the concurrent use of Hops and estrogen-containing products may exacerbate the effects of estrogen.

Side effects

No known side effect within the therapeutic administration has been reported. In case of skin contact with hops in sensitive individuals, it may be occur complications such as dermatitis, shortness of breath and/or cough.

Hops should be used with caution during menstruation, as well as irritability and with background dermatitis, sensitivity and respiratory allergies.

Long term use may be cause dizziness, cognitive disorders and mild symptoms of jaundice in some people.

Use with caution in women with estrogen-dependent breast cancer.


Hops extract

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